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Peter Greene's Top 10 as announced on Mon., 7/01/2002

This list is for providing you with easy access to these "useful" Web pages. Please visit WEBHITZ® for access to our Web menus! Use of the products and services offered on any of these Web pages is at your own risk! E-Mail me and give me your feedback at comments@infostar.com. Due to the volume of email I get I cannot possibly reply to every message!

  1. OpenOffice.org - a "global - community" effort to try and create (develop) a "Office suite" of software products that will run on all major computer [Operating System] OS platforms. OpenOffice is available for download in many languages now for you to try for free.
  2. TheAppleMuseum - updated weekly, this resource combine the history of Apple Computers with the specifications of each product, their database contains descriptions and specifications of over 350 Apple products. Also visit my recently posted and updated "Apple Computer Resource Center".
  3. FireWallGuide - provides access to independent, third-party reviews of Internet security products. Also visit my "Techlinks page" and go to the ZoneAlarm link for more useful information.
  4. CharityWatch.org - by The American Institute of Philanthropy; purpose is to help donors make informed giving decisions.
  5. Blogger - a "free" self-publishing Web program (a.k.a. software or tool) that lets you create and maintain a Web site called a Weblog [Blog for short]. To quote Blogspot.com --> "Blogger is the easy (non-tedious!) way to update your home page. Keeping a journal, what's new page, weblog, project page, or any other type of frequently updated web page with Blogger is as easy as typing in a form." [Here is the link to "Blogger Pro"]. Make sure you check-out "Blog Spot", Blogdex - project at MIT to index Weblogs. Another software/service to consider for Weblogging is "Radio Userland" [by Userland]. Some interesting Weblogs - "Internet Scout Weblog", "Google Weblog", a "history and perspective on Weblogs".
  6. BroadPage - a Web browser that lets you surf multiple pages simultaneously. Free version works well; kind of reminds me of Katiesoft and Tabsurf which are no longer around.
  7. SQLcourse - unique introductory SQL tutorial not only provides easy-to-understand SQL instructions, but it allows you to practice what you learn using the on-line SQL interpreter; also visit "SQLcourse2".
  8. Mozillaquest - online magazine that covers anything related to Netscape (includes some tutorials). Also visit "Netscape Browser Archive", "mozdev.org" or "techaholic.net".
  9. amillionlives - Links to1,000's of biographies, autobiographies, memoirs, diaries, and more. Also visit "Biography.com", "FactMonster", and "The History Place".
  10. W3Schools - rich Web resource that offers free Web building tutorials [covers basic HTML and XHTML tutorials, to advanced XML, XSL and WAP tutorials]. Also visit "PageTutor" [HTML, Javascript and web authoring tutorials] and "NewbieClub".
  11. ArticleCentral - a useful, well organized, searchable directory on Web development related sites; also lists the newest resources.
  12. Researchville - search 700+ online databases through just 1 entry (query).
  13. SciTechDaily (Review) - keep up with science and technology news with this Web resource.
  14. DynamicDrive (DHTML) - find free, original DHTML scripts and components to enhance your Web site; see also "BestAnimations" for free 3D animated GIFs.
  15. Aspin.com - ASP (Active Server Pages) Resource Index; well organized, searchable resource for programmers and developers seeking this kind of help & info.
  16. Swishzone - Flash animation - text effects, intros for Web sites, rollover buttons and more.
  17. *** Below is from last month's choices ****
  18. Trillian.cc - instant messaging application that connects ICQ®, AOL Instant Messenger(SM), MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger and IRC.
  19. KnowledgeStorm.com - searchable diectory of 22,000+ IT (information technology) business-to-business software products and services from over 3,700 vendors.
  20. Animaland.org - a Web site for kids who love animals; includes stories, games, pet care guides - by the "ASPCA".
  21. AmericasLibrary.gov - pretty neat and informative interactive Web site by the Library of Congress; learn about history, play games, see animated cartoons, listen to songs and more.
  22. WorldCupArchive.com - great resource for the world's greatest soccer event; past tournament info, player profiles and more.
  23. PopExpo.net - 6 billion people on our planet and counting; can you guess how many people where alive when you were born? Goes up to 120!
  24. DCViews.com - digital camera info resource includes tips, tutorials and more. Also check out "dpreview" and "Epinions".
  25. SongFacts.com - learn more about the songs you listen to and about the "Artists".
  26. Timezoneconverter.com - find out the time anywhere in the world.
  27. TadPolls.com - Free Interactive Polls for your Website.
  28. Orbitalk.com - their Orbitalk Communicator (product & service) is an unlimited computer-to-computer application that allows people to talk to each other, send text-messages, and see the same website or other presentation on their screens—from anywhere in the world. It can be used for private communication or with large groups of participants. [I have experienced its use and it works very well]
  29. JackStreet.com - a guide for those who don't know "jack" about e-business.
  30. TrademarkBots.com - a resource (for competitive intelligence) that might be useful in protecting or monitoring your trademark.
  31. Lowest-long-distance-rate.com - search more than 10 different USA long distance carriers.
  32. Yahoo's Daily News - keep current with the news with Yahoo's link to their news page [Napster Inc. filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy today, 6/3/02].
  33. TextArc.org - this product is still in development; it allows the user to try to discover patterns and concepts in texts.


BONUS Link 1:Zfee - get paid for protecting your privacy and its free. Click here for the quick "sign-up form".
BONUS Link 2:Make Your Site Sell - free info to help your Web business, and "Make Your Knowledge Sell".
BONUS Link 3:FareAgent - for help finding the best airfares; also "Travelocity", Expedia's "Fare Compare" and "Priceline".
BONUS Link 4:Teachers.Net - teachers resources along with chat and more; see also "National Teachers Enhancement Network".
BONUS Link 5:Memolink - complete surveys, play trivia and get free stuff; see also "iWon", LuckySurf", "WebMillion" and "FreeLotto".
BONUS Link 6:The Kitchen Link - 10,000+ cooking related resources and more.
BONUS Link 7:LowerMyBills - find the best deals near you.
BONUS Link 8:National Crime Prevention Council - home of "McGruff" the Crime Dog® and Take a Bite Out of Crime®
BONUS Link 9:IPO Insider - excellent IPO resource information provided by ZDNet.
BONUS Link 10:PayPal - a way to pay for things online - popular at eBay. See also "eCount", "ProPay", and "PayMe".
BONUS Link 11:Med-Tech Center - latest news on the Medical technology front.
BONUS Link 12:FindSounds - search for sounds on the Web; also try "Whoopie"; or look for "fonts" at "MyFonts".
BONUS Link 13:FreeLotto.com - play for free.
BONUS Link 14:Xdrive - looking for extra storage to access via the Web; try these also "Driveway", "MyDocsOnline", "FreeDrive", "iDrive" and "Myspace".

Standard Extras to check-out:

Extra Link 1:GoDaddy - offers domain name registration and transfers for $8.95 per year or also try 000Domains - register or transfer a domain for $13.50 per year; also 123Domains - for as little as $13.99 per year for domain name registration. I've used all three and they work just fine!
Extra Link 2:ReadyHosting - a Web hosting service worth a serious look.
Extra Link 3:Pagoo Service - I use it to get my voice mail while I'm online! It really works great! "CallWave" is free but really doesn't compare. New is "BuzMe"
Extra Link 4:National Center for Missing and Exploited Children - and their "Alert" page with pictures.
Extra Link 5:THINKQUEST Information! (My neighbor's won 2x! Now he's a sophmore at Harvard!): - ThinkQuest and "ThinkQuest Junior" - "an annual contest that challenges students, ages 10 to 19, to use the Internet as a collaborative, interactive teaching and learning tool". Get the contest details here. Get your kids involved!
Extra Link 6: FreeDSL - free high-speed Internet access; if you sign up please use my email address for being referred - "pgreene@infostar.com" - Thanks!
Extra Link 7: FreeWebspace - interested in a Web site for no money? Check out this searchable index of 443 free Web space providers.

selectedPeter's schedule for appearing as a guest on Larry Meiller's show can seen by clicking here.

You can listen to Peter on WPR (Wisconsin Public Radio) - 970AM WHA Radio in Madison, WI monthly! It is broadcast live over the WPR radio network from the 7th floor of Vilas Hall, and is "Web casted" live via Real Audio - you'll need the "Real Audio player". The show is 90 minutes in length and covers the latest in PC computer technology , the Internet and the World Wide Web; show is a question & answer format. I have supported Wisconsin Public Radio for 15+ years with a monthly radio show on computer technology. The show is produced by Jim Packard and hosted by Larry Meiller.


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